Ethical dilemmas and the ITI Code of Professional Conduct
Most of us have probably not given the Code of Professional Conduct a second thought since we signed it as part of our application to join ITI. But the Code is an under-used resource in resolving ethical and business dilemmas as well as a signal of our professionalism to clients.
This interactive session will consider the role of a Code of Professional Conduct before considering a number of real-life dilemmas with reference to the Code as well as exploring some wider issues. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Colleagues are also invited to bring any dilemmas
currently or recently facing them for discussion with the group.
The workshop will end with a general feedback and discussion session.
Janet Fraser FITI is a former in-house translator, multilingual journalist and Senior Lecturer in Translation. Since 2010, she has been a freelance translator from German and French into English. She advised on the review and redrafting of the CIOL Code of Conduct in 2015.
ITI Scottish Network members: Free for workshop only/£18 for workshop + lunch
ITI members: £5 for workshop only/£23 for workshop + lunch
Non-ITI members: £10 for workshop only/£28 for workshop + lunch
Students: £5 for workshop only/£23 for workshop + lunch
All £18 for lunch only
Please use the form below to register, and pay your registration fee directly by bank transfer to ITI Scottish Network’s account:
Bank of Scotland
Sort code: 80-02-83
Account: 00298915
IBAN: GB97 BOFS 8002 8300 2989 15
Please enter your name as the reference!
Use the Comments box to tell us about any special dietary requirements. (Note: If you already have an account with us, the Comments box will show again after you log in.)
You will receive a confirmation email once your order has been placed. Please remember to make any payments for this event as soon as possible. Your booking will be reviewed and approved in the next few days.
Registration for this event is not currently open.