The Scottish Network of the Institute of Translation & Interpreting

ITI Scottish Network Newsletter | November 2019

November 2019 issue of the ITI Scottish Network Newsletter.

Levelling up

Casting our minds back to May, those of us who were there will remember that the latest ITI Conference focused on advancing our professional careers – and from this newsletter issue, there’s certainly evidence that ScotNetters have been carrying that theme forward.

In this issue we’re looking at not one, but two ScotNet events that helped us take our professions to the next level: Alastair and Anneliese reflect on the revision lessons taken away from the summer workshop, and Renate considers the valuable writing techniques we learned in the autumn workshop. Meanwhile, Kim looks back on a whole two decades of translating, and Louise takes a big-picture look at business and exporting in Scotland. We’re also returning to our interview series exploring how ScotNetters work, and ahead of our 2020 excursion to Shetland, it’s Birgit who’s taking the hot seat this time.

It’s perhaps fitting that all this is coming just before the end of another year – just in time for some New Year’s business resolutions, perhaps! Thank you so much for reading over the past year, and for all your invaluable contributions and feedback.

Siobhan ♦

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